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Mrs Searing

Page history last edited by Jason Smith 9 years, 9 months ago


Please choose your person below


Dr. Seuss: Roderick

Martha Washington: Lakayla

Yo-Yo Ma: Rokan

Jane Goodall: Leah

Bobby Cox: Zion

Audrey Hepburn: Vanessa

Jonas Salk: Hezekiah

Mary Musgrove: Jamelle

Andy Warhol: Danial

Etta James: Darianna

Frank Lloyd Wright: Caden

Ella Fitzgerald: Cailyn

Paul “Bear” Bryant: Tylik

Sojourner Truth: Khaliyah

Ulysses S. Grant: Sean

Florence Nightingale: Karimma

James Oglethorpe: DaShaun

Judy Garland: Makayla


Judy Blume: Aniyah


Julie Andrews: Taylor

J.K. Rowling: Imani

Gabby Douglas: Ranaisa



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