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Mrs Wright

Page history last edited by Jason Smith 9 years, 7 months ago

Please choose your person below


Louis Armstrong: Christian

Condoleezza Rice: Neseya

John Adams: Andy

Jane Addams: Ciara

Paul Revere: Gabriel

Hillary Clinton: Narcy

Harry Houdini: Caden

Helen Keller: Janniya

Albert Einstein: Alarike

Princess Diana: Victoria

Muhammad Ali: Gio

Elizabeth Blackwell: Hayley L

Francis Scott Key: Elisha

Betsy Ross: Haylie M

Billy the Kid: Marius

Oprah: Gianna

Jesse James: Matthew

Mary Todd Lincoln: Narvia

Noah Webster: Justin

Grandma Moses: Emily


Maria Tallchief: Sania 



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Mr. Smith's Toolbox  Britannica School Online  Kids GALILEO 






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