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Mrs Smith

This version was saved 9 years, 9 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Jason Smith
on January 8, 2015 at 2:05:35 pm

Please choose your person below


Hank Aaron:  Gage

Susan B. Anthony: Jasmine

P.T. Barnum:   Stephen

Rosetta Wakeman: Samantha

Neil Armstrong: Jaylen

Calamity Jane: Cressie

Joe DiMaggio: David

Clara Barton: Amanda

Walt Disney: Brycen

Rosa Parks: Keasia

Michael Jordan: Zach

Amelia Earhart: Lanya

Steve Jobs: Keylan

Laura Ingalls Wilder: Bryanna

Henry Ford: Christian

Sally RideJordyn

Bo Jackson: Shamar

Margaret “Molly” Tobin Brown: Ayanna

George Washington: Connor


Elvis Presley: Vivian

Shaq:  Cameron

Christopher Reeve: Isabella

Jack Nicklaus: Devion 



You can also look up more information using the sites below.











Mr. Smith's Toolbox  Britannica School Online  Kids GALILEO 



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